
Showing posts from July 21, 2018

about me

I realised some of you don't know who I am yet. My name is Andrew and I am from a country called  Singapore , which is neither a  Malaysian state  nor a  province of China . Most Americans (and North Koreans) remember this as the place where the  Trump-Kim summit  was held. Well, why am I a China fanatic then? I guess it's just because saying "China" annoys people. It actually started off when Donald Trump became president. I liked to mimic him, who liked to say "China". So, I said "China". I overused the word. I said it so much that it became my catchphrase. Then, I started researching on China. I did my English project about Mao Zedong. I found out more about Communism and found this . China became one of the things I did most of the time. Thus me being a China fanatic. I have a YouTube channel , so please subscribe to it. My  recent projects  include translating  MRT stations  into Chinese (which are supposed to sound funny). Th