
Showing posts from July 28, 2018

micappella ndp song medley lyrics

Hello! Recently, in the newspapers , I have read that MICappella will be performing their medley of National Day Songs live during the National Day Parade ! Boy, am I excited! I have watched their video, but the lyrics in the description are not very accurate. So, I have edited them into these lyrics that are more accurate! Feel free to share and enjoy ! Here are the lyrics: Singapura, oh Singapura, Pretty flowers bloom for you and Di Tanjong Katong, airnya biru Di situ tempatnya dara jelita Duduk sekampung, lagikan rindu Kononlah pula nun jauh di mata முன்னேறு வாலிபா முன்னேறு என்றும் தொடுவாய் நோக்குவாய் கண்தெரியாத கார் இருளில் ஒளிரும் விண்மீனே தனிமையாலே பயந்த நாடுகள் இருளில் ஒளி பெற உன்னை நாடும் மேல் நோக்கு வாலிபா என்றும் முன்னேறி தொடுவான் நோக்குவாய் (வாய்) Five stars arising, out of the stormy sea Each is a lamp to guide our way; a lamp for all to see Because in Singapore, Singapore Their hearts are big and wide you'll find Beca

fun fact 6

                                            129 TH’expence of Spirit in a waſte of ſhame Is luſt in action, and till action, luſt Is periurd, murdrous, blouddy full of blame, Sauage, extreame, rude, cruell, not to truſt, Inioyd no ſooner but deſpiſed ſtraight, Paſt reaſon hunted, and no ſooner had Paſt reaſon hated aſ a ſwollowed bait, On purpoſe layd to make the taker mad. Made In purſut and in poſſeſſion ſo, Had, hauing, and in queſt, to have extreme, A bliſſe in proofe and proud and very wo, Before a ioy propoſd behind a dreame,      All this the world well knowes yet none knowes well,      To ſhun the heauen that leads men to this hell.

fun fact 5

Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

fun fact 4

Life is short, art long, opportunity fleeting, experience deceptive, judgment difficult.