
Showing posts from August 30, 2018

the chinese poem

This is not the main post. The main post is here . 对 酒 当 歌 人 生 几 何 譬 如 朝 露 去 日 苦 多 慨 当 以 慷 忧 思 难 忘 何 以 解 忧 唯 有 杜 康 青 青 子 衿 悠 悠 我 心 但 为 君 故 沈 吟 至 今 呦 呦 鹿 鸣 食 野 之 苹 我 有 嘉 宾 鼓 瑟 吹 笙 明 明 如 月 何 时 可 掇 忧 从 中 来 不 可 断 绝 越 陌 度 阡 枉 用 相 存 契 阔 谈 宴 心 念 旧 恩 月 明 星 稀 乌 鹊 难 飞 绕 树 三 匝 何 枝 何 依 山 不 厌 高 海 不 厌 深 周 公 吐 哺 天 下 归 心 对 酒

horrible translation of a chinese poem

Hey everybody! Yesterday, in school, we were given a poem in Chinese. Here it is: 《短歌行》 Short Song Style 對酒當歌,人生幾何? I lift my drink and sing a song, for who knows if one's life is short or long 譬如朝露,去日苦多。 Man's life is like the morning dew, past days many future days few 慨當以慷,憂思難忘。 The melancholy my heart begets, comes from cares I cannot forget 何以解憂?唯有杜康。 Who can unravel these sorrows of mine, I know of only one man, the God of Wine 青青子衿,悠悠我心。 Disciples dressed in blue, my heart worries for you 但為君故,沈吟至今。 You are the cause of this song without pause 呦呦鹿鳴,食野之蘋。 "Across the banks a deer bleats, in the wilds where it eats 我有嘉賓,鼓瑟吹笙。 Honoured guests I salute, strike the drums, and play the flute 明明如月,何時可掇? Bright is the moon's sparkle; Will there be a time it can be grasped? 憂從中來,不可斷絕。 Thoughts of you from deep inside, never settling never ceasing 越陌度阡,枉用相存。 Friends drop by via a country road, the respect