fun fact 6

TH’expence of Spirit in a waſte of ſhame
Is luſt in action, and till action, luſt
Is periurd, murdrous, blouddy full of blame,
Sauage, extreame, rude, cruell, not to truſt,
Inioyd no ſooner but deſpiſed ſtraight,
Paſt reaſon hunted, and no ſooner had
Paſt reaſon hated aſ a ſwollowed bait,
On purpoſe layd to make the taker mad.
Made In purſut and in poſſeſſion ſo,
Had, hauing, and in queſt, to have extreme,
A bliſſe in proofe and proud and very wo,
Before a ioy propoſd behind a dreame,
     All this the world well knowes yet none knowes well,
     To ſhun the heauen that leads men to this hell.


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