All the flags I have in my flag dictionary now

I love all my flags in my flag dictionary that I have now! I have the flags of Madagascar, South Korea, Kazakhstan, Japan, Italy, Ireland, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Germany, France, Denmark, Democratic Republic of Congo, China, Chile, Canada, Great Britain, Brazil, Belgium, Austria, Australia, United States of America, Vietnam, Thailand, Taiwan, Switzerland, Sweden, Spain, Singapore, Russia, Poland, Philippines, Norway, New Zealand, Netherlands, Mexico and Malaysia.
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  1. Very good, AJ! Would be good to see even more flags added to your collection! Keep up the good work, goes for your mummy too...

  2. Wow! I didn't know you had 39 flags!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. 但是,我的母親是不是那麼自由的類型和打印這麼多的國旗......


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