
Showing posts from July, 2018

micappella ndp song medley lyrics

Hello! Recently, in the newspapers , I have read that MICappella will be performing their medley of National Day Songs live during the National Day Parade ! Boy, am I excited! I have watched their video, but the lyrics in the description are not very accurate. So, I have edited them into these lyrics that are more accurate! Feel free to share and enjoy ! Here are the lyrics: Singapura, oh Singapura, Pretty flowers bloom for you and Di Tanjong Katong, airnya biru Di situ tempatnya dara jelita Duduk sekampung, lagikan rindu Kononlah pula nun jauh di mata முன்னேறு வாலிபா முன்னேறு என்றும் தொடுவாய் நோக்குவாய் கண்தெரியாத கார் இருளில் ஒளிரும் விண்மீனே தனிமையாலே பயந்த நாடுகள் இருளில் ஒளி பெற உன்னை நாடும் மேல் நோக்கு வாலிபா என்றும் முன்னேறி தொடுவான் நோக்குவாய் (வாய்) Five stars arising, out of the stormy sea Each is a lamp to guide our way; a lamp for all to see Because in Singapore, Singapore Their hearts are big and wide you'll find Beca

fun fact 6

                                            129 TH’expence of Spirit in a waſte of ſhame Is luſt in action, and till action, luſt Is periurd, murdrous, blouddy full of blame, Sauage, extreame, rude, cruell, not to truſt, Inioyd no ſooner but deſpiſed ſtraight, Paſt reaſon hunted, and no ſooner had Paſt reaſon hated aſ a ſwollowed bait, On purpoſe layd to make the taker mad. Made In purſut and in poſſeſſion ſo, Had, hauing, and in queſt, to have extreme, A bliſſe in proofe and proud and very wo, Before a ioy propoſd behind a dreame,      All this the world well knowes yet none knowes well,      To ſhun the heauen that leads men to this hell.

fun fact 5

Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

fun fact 4

Life is short, art long, opportunity fleeting, experience deceptive, judgment difficult.

this world is on fire - parody

Hello everyone! Recently, in school, we have been learning about global warming. Our science teacher, in her slideshow, included an image of the world "on fire": That isn't the exact picture she used, but it looks like it. Someone exclaimed, "The world is on fire!" This brought to mind the carol commonly heard in shopping centres when I was in kindergarten: "This girl is on fire, she's walking on fire!" So, I was inspired to write a parody of it. I do not know how to sing the song, but I copied the lyrics from some website. Then, I edited it. Here is the final version: World on Fire by Andrew Lee [Verse 1] It's just a world, and it's on fire Hotter than ever imagined, lonely like a highway We're living in a world, and it's on fire Feeling the catastrophe, but we know we can do nothing [Brigde] Oh, there's so much heat on the ground And we're burning it down Oh, we got our

fun fact 3

France won the World Cup just one day after Bastille Day , of whose parade Prime Minister of Singapore Lee Hsien Loong was invited by Prime Minister of France  Emmanuel Macron to attend.

fun fact 2

Confucius invented confucian.

fun fact 1

Fortune cookies , despite being associated with Chinese cuisine, are almost never eaten in China, where they are seen as American. This is because they were actually invented in Japan and introduced to America by the Japanese. They are extremely rare in China, where they are seen as symbols of American cuisine.

about me

I realised some of you don't know who I am yet. My name is Andrew and I am from a country called  Singapore , which is neither a  Malaysian state  nor a  province of China . Most Americans (and North Koreans) remember this as the place where the  Trump-Kim summit  was held. Well, why am I a China fanatic then? I guess it's just because saying "China" annoys people. It actually started off when Donald Trump became president. I liked to mimic him, who liked to say "China". So, I said "China". I overused the word. I said it so much that it became my catchphrase. Then, I started researching on China. I did my English project about Mao Zedong. I found out more about Communism and found this . China became one of the things I did most of the time. Thus me being a China fanatic. I have a YouTube channel , so please subscribe to it. My  recent projects  include translating  MRT stations  into Chinese (which are supposed to sound funny). Th

chinese e-oral

Hello everyone! I know that for primary sixes, our Prelims and PSLE are coming soon. You might want some resources for Chinese E-oral, so I have uploaded some E-oral videos for your usage. I have also compiled them into a playlist for easy access.  I (probably) do not own the rights for these videos, so they are for educational or personal use only.  Thanks!

malay lesson in chinese class

In Chinese class, we learnt some Malay. This is because our passage regards the learning of Malay of a Chinese and the learning of Chinese of a Malay. Our teacher taught us these words: one: satu two: dua three: tiga four: empat five: lima fifty: lima puloh five hundred: lima ratus one thousand: selipu big: besar small: kecil die: mati eat: makan wash: cuci want: mau don't want: tak mau thank you: terima kasih I also know this: me: saya you: kamu lepas: after this: ini is: ada So I can say: "Saya mau kamu mati. Lepas ini, saya makan kamu." Cannibalism.

who's my favourite player for croatia?

Someone with "ic" in his name. Also, I really liked the Iceland guy who had a name ending with "son". Apparently they faced each other once, and the sons lost. I pity them, those sons.

simoc (singapore international math olympiad challenge) disaster

It was horrible. I promised my friends I would write a blog post complaining providing helpful feedback about it. Here it is. It all started very simply, on the seventh of July, at a stadium in Clementi. "Huh?" you say. "A maths competition taking part in a stadium?" You pause, then exclaim, "Oh! They're doing some practical experiments? On speed or something?" No. We gathered at the stadium, got counted by people, then queued up to get into a coach. You know, the kind that's smelly? And the seatbelts are really hard to use? But then you're forced to use them? Yes. The location is so secret, that we have to go somewhere and take a coach to the secret location. Well, turns out that my mother knows the location. "They told everyone," she said on the car ride to the stadium. "But the school doesn't want anyone to drive in. Or something like that." Okay. So we got shipped off to Canadian Internat

national day songs

National Day is coming. After listening to this year's national day song, something in the suggested column of YouTube caught my attention: " The Problem with Singapore's National Day (NDP) Songs ". Curious as I was, I clicked on it. Here's what the maker of the video had to say. It's not often that Singaporeans set aside their differences to show solidarity. Even when we do, it's usually because we feel we've been represented poorly. We'll palm our faces at the garish costumes of Miss Universe Singapore. We'll laugh till we cry at cheesy, low-budget videos meant to show off our best attractions, but we reserve our loudest groans for our National Day theme songs. It's become customary to mock them that we probably won't know if we're listening to a good one. These once-a-year tunes are so divisive that rumour has it, acclaimed local composer, Dick Lee, will accept national songwriting duties whenever he feels su

a quick revamp

Hello everyone! I know I have not been blogging for awhile. I have changed the layout of my blog to make it look nicer! I also hope to post more interesting things from now on. I have had many ideas for blog posts but have not had time to fulfil any of them yet. Last time, I dumped a lot of things on this blog. These include HTML pages and lists of things. I shall continue to do so but in a less quantity. I shall also provide my views on certain topics that I find interesting. Please stay tuned! This year is my PSLE year, so I will probably not be able to do much until after PSLE is over. That happens to be before Childrens' Day. How nice! In addition, my mother has allowed me, after PSLE, to create an Instagram account! Oh, am I looking forward to that! Many of my friends already own such accounts, and I'd love to join them! Just... uhh...  ... to go! As you may or may not know, my earlier posts were made when I was very little. They might make sense, or they

a score for saturday in the park

Hello! It's me, Andrew! I have arranged a score for the song Saturday in the Park by Chicago. It was released in 1972, so your parents may have heard it before. It's free, so please feel free to download, share and enjoy ! (Ignore the drumset part. I didn't use it.) Download MP4 Download MSCZ Download PDF If you have not heard Saturday in the Park before, I'm sure you'll love it! Here it is: